Impact of law on social inequality



Law, social inequality, social justice, equity


The present work focuses on an exhaustive analysis of the impact of law on social inequality, an issue of crucial relevance today. Throughout the research, various fundamental areas are examined, such as labor, educational, gender and economic legislation. Each of these areas is evaluated in terms of how established policies and laws can both perpetuate and mitigate existing inequalities in society. To carry out this analysis, documentary and comparative research methods have been used, which has made it possible to collect data from a wide range of academic and official sources. This methodology has been key to offering a comprehensive and in-depth view of the subject, allowing the identification of patterns and trends in the relationship between Law and social inequality. The results obtained from this research strongly highlight the importance of having an inclusive legal framework that is not only well designed, but also correctly implemented. A legal framework that promotes equity and social justice can be a powerful instrument to reduce social disparities and promote a fairer environment for all citizens.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Alava, B. D. (2025). Impact of law on social inequality. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 1(1), 36–43. Retrieved from