The agroecological perspective, SIAL alternative in food production in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality



Agroecology, food production, urban farm


The agroecological perspective, an alternative in food production in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality, is the topic of the article, with the objective of analyzing the agroecological perspective that is manifested in Cuba, based on the legal framework, theoretical conceptions and results in practice, by revealing the application of science, technique and scientific innovation, as an alternative in the production of food in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality, with the support of the Municipal University Center. Descriptive, explanatory, non-experimental study, which used theoretical and empirical methods that allowed us to reveal regularities in the agroecological perspective of food production. Results: the identification of challenges and agroecological perspectives in farm experiences, technologies, methodologies, innovative experiences. Conclusions: the Agroecological model in Cuba has a legal - theoretical - practical framework that allows projecting food sovereignty, the use of local resources, the protection of natural resources, and the use of knowledge, however, they are not sufficient in the face of the demand for food, a phenomenon that calls for promoting a strategy based on the precepts of the Local Food Innovation System (SIAL).


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How to Cite

Núñez-González, M. R., Iglesias-Royero, F., García-Mederos, R. R., Sosa-Abreu, R., & Díaz-Recarey, Y. (2025). The agroecological perspective, SIAL alternative in food production in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 1(1), 5–11. Retrieved from