History teaching, from an international comparative perspective, on the way to the New Mexican School



Teaching of history, New Mexican School, historical awareness


The teaching of History has been a topic of interest in the educational training of societies in recent years. This is because, through the narration and study of past events, this company is able to carry out a deep understanding of the cultural, political, social and economic roots of both societies and the individuals who they make them up. However, the way History is approached and taught varies significantly in different countries and educational systems. This essay aims to carry out a comparative analysis of how history is taught in international contexts: the United States and Germany, as well as some Latin American countries, and how this experience is viewed as a starting point for teaching History within the project. current education in Mexico.


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Author Biography

Maritza Librada Cáceres-Mesa, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México.




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How to Cite

González-García, A. Y., & Cáceres-Mesa, M. L. (2024). History teaching, from an international comparative perspective, on the way to the New Mexican School. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 4(3), 61–66. Retrieved from https://revista.excedinter.com/index.php/rtest/article/view/131