Proposal for the development of investigative skills through the use of digital tools: Mendeley and Obsidian




In today's digital age, access to information and the ability to conduct research effectively are essential skills for lifelong success. Although these are usually addressed formally in the context of higher education, they are not always promoted in a systematic and didactic manner with an approach aimed at solving social problems, either due to ignorance or rejection of the transformation of traditional practices. Given this concern, this work aims to present an innovative educational proposal, aimed at developing research skills in higher education students through the integration of two digital tools in the teaching-learning process: Mendeley and Obsidian. This proposal seeks to strengthen the research training that students receive throughout their educational career, promoting a practical and applied approach to these skills. Furthermore, it is based on the premise that the use of digital tools not only facilitates and enriches the research process, but also prepares students holistically for a constantly evolving world increasingly oriented towards digitalization, contributing to the development of more competent and committed individuals in addressing global social problems.


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How to Cite

Arbeu-Reyes, E., Torquemada-González, A. D., & Orozco-Ramírez, M. de L. (2024). Proposal for the development of investigative skills through the use of digital tools: Mendeley and Obsidian. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 4(2), 33–41.