People with invisible disabilities and the challenges of making an urgent educational problem visible




Inclusion, invisible disabilities, higher education


Invisible disabilities or non-apparent or hidden disabilities refer to medical conditions that affect a person's daily functioning and their ability to perform everyday tasks but that, by their nature, are not obvious to others. Within this classification are limitations that include mental health disorders, cognitive disorders, chronic-degenerative diseases and other similar conditions. The concept of Invisible Disabilities “invisible disabilities” or “hidden disabilities” is a topic that is receiving more and more attention in educational and work environments in terms of inclusion and a growing interest within scientific studies due to its growing incidence. In Higher Education, people with invisible disabilities face significant barriers that have a significant effect on their academic performance and overall well-being. This work explores the concept of invisible disabilities, its origin as a construct and the main challenges that people with this condition, students and educators face in educational environments. Finally, the consequences of the lack of dissemination of knowledge and research on the subject in Latin America and Mexico are analyzed.


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Author Biography

Abigail Guadalupe Valle-Mejía, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. México.




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How to Cite

Valle-Mejía, A. G., Cruz-Cruz, J. C., & Torquemada-González, A. D. (2024). People with invisible disabilities and the challenges of making an urgent educational problem visible. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 4(2), 24–32.