Systematization of bioethics as a tool in informed consent for kidney transplantation



Bioethics, informed consent, organ donation


Informed consent for vital organ donation has become a challenge in recent decades, a relatively new issue that requires greater understanding. The study employed a so-called multidisciplinary approach, which, from the perspective of contemporary epistemological projections, can be defined as the dialectical integration of paradigms based on the operative triangulation of methods, sources, and theories, without losing the objectivity of the research. A proposal for informed consent was made with a differentiated approach for living donors, deceased donors, and recipients for kidney transplantation. Additionally, a protocol is proposed to be implemented by the multidisciplinary teams of Organ Donation and Transplantation at the "Lucia Iñiguez Landín" Clinical Surgical Hospital, aimed at improving the doctor-patient relationship. This proposal will promote a positive attitude towards vital organ donation to address the shortage of organs for kidney transplantation.


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How to Cite

Osorio-Arbella, Y., & Ondó-Edgjan, H. (2025). Systematization of bioethics as a tool in informed consent for kidney transplantation. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 1(1), 44–56. Retrieved from