Investigation of blockchain technologies in accounting and auditing: an approach towards transparency and security of financial data
Blockchain, accounting, auditing, financial transparencyAbstract
This study aims to analyze the application of blockchain technologies in accounting and auditing, with emphasis on its potential to improve the transparency and security of financial data in Ecuador and South America. The methodology used consists of a systematic review of recent literature (2020-2024) and a qualitative analysis of relevant case studies, complemented by interviews with sector experts. The main findings indicate that the implementation of blockchain can significantly reduce audit times, improve the traceability of financial transactions and increase trust in accounting systems. Cases such as the PIER platform of the Central Bank of Brazil and Agrotoken demonstrate the potential of blockchain to address specific challenges, such as collaboration between financial regulators and access to financing in the agricultural sector. However, significant challenges are identified, including the need to update regulatory frameworks and develop technical competencies. The study concludes that the integration of blockchain in accounting and auditing offers substantial opportunities to improve financial transparency and reduce tax evasion in Ecuador, but requires a holistic approach that addresses technical, regulatory and cultural aspects for its successful implementation.
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