Enamel hypoplasia in temporary and permanent teeth. Fabio Di Celmo Polyclinic, Area VIII, Cienfuegos, Cuba
Anomalías dentarias, defectos del desarrollo del esmalte, dentición permanente, dentición primaria, epidemiología dental, factores de riesgo, hipoplasia del esmalte dentalAbstract
Enamel hypoplasia is a defect in enamel development, attributed to genetic and environmental factors that affects primary and permanent dentition; compromising aesthetics, dental sensitivity and susceptibility to cavities. There is an increase in this anomaly and no study has been published in the municipality and province of Cienfuegos, Cuba. The objective of the work is to describe enamel hypoplasia in temporary and permanent dentition at the Fabio Di Celmo Polyclinic from 2018 to 2021. The study is descriptive, cross-sectional. The population was 210 and the sample was 160 people through simple random probabilistic sampling. The variables were age, sex, skin color, risk factors, complications of enamel hypoplasia. For statistical analysis of the results, Chi 2, Student's t or ANOVA tests and regression analysis were performed. If the calculated value of χ² is greater than the critical value, H₀ is rejected. If it is less than or equal, H₀ is not rejected. The results were expressed in tables and graphs. Female predominance was observed in consultations (58.7%) and a distribution of hypoplasia mainly type I (Localized enamel hypoplasia with mild enamel loss), (47.5%) and type II (Generalized enamel hypoplasia with moderate enamel loss) (34.4 %), according to the classification of Clarkson and O'Mullane, most frequently affecting second molars in temporary (7.5%) and permanent (17.5%) dentition. The most prevalent risk factors were smoking (22.9%) and alcohol (17.5%), while complications included tooth sensitivity (35.6%). The research revealed a high prevalence of enamel hypoplasia, highlighting the importance of considering environmental and maternal health factors in its development. The findings may guide prevention and treatment strategies to improve children's dental health, underscoring the need for continued studies in this area.
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