Quality of Zea mays L. at the Provincial Seed Testing Laboratory Cienfuegos, Cuba
Quality, variety, seed, corn, productionAbstract
The present work was developed in the Cienfuegos Province from March 2020 to February 2023. A non-experimental design was used with the objective of determining the quality of the corn seeds (Zea maiz L.) received by the Provincial Testing Laboratory of Cienfuegos seeds during the period 2010-2021. The variables pure seed, inert matter and germination, all in (%), were evaluated using NC 618 for Agricultural Seed Tests - Determination of Germination. Of 196 samples studied in the period, there were seven samples that did not meet the specifications for the categories established in Cuba regarding pure seed, inert matter and 22 for germination, and the parameter that most influenced the disqualification of the samples by variety was for pure seed, inert matter TGH, MAIG -5461 and Esmeralda and for germination TGH, P-7928, INIVIT M-4, Canilla, MAIG-5461, Esmeralda and AME-15.
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