Social vulnerability and its impact from the contemporary development pattern




Social vulnerability, risk, resilience, well-being


Social vulnerability has been approached from different positions and defined from multiple elements, which qualifies the complexity of its object, especially due to the areas of knowledge and epistemological positions that come together in its analysis. The objective of the article is to analyze the problem of social vulnerability and its impact from the contemporary development pattern. The methodology used is based on the critical analysis of an extensive and diverse bibliographic review on the object of the study. The main categories addressed were: social vulnerability, risk, resilience, well-being, among others. The conclusions indicate that although there is a gradual interest in proposing research on social vulnerability, there is no general consensus on the topic and therefore questions about certain positions are frequent. From this, some reflections are contributed from the theoretical and methodological field, taking into consideration the main elements identified on social vulnerability and its implications. Thus, it is proposed to consider social vulnerability as a result of the impacts caused by the current development pattern, but at the same time as the inability to confront them on the part of the weakest groups in society.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Tapia, J. (2024). Social vulnerability and its impact from the contemporary development pattern. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 4(2), 67–73.