Doctrinal foundations underpinning professional ethics in the prosecutor's actions




Values, professional ethics, prosecutor


This research was conducted on the doctrinal foundations of axiology and morality for the construction of the justification of professional ethics in the actions of the Prosecutor. The social and legal recognition of the Prosecutors, coincides with their ethical behavior. The author proposes an update of the main values that are based on and required in the daily actions of the Prosecutor, which in her opinion contribute to the development of certain duties and virtues in Prosecutors. In this sense, the objective of this work was to identify the values that should prevail in the professional ethics of the Prosecutor in each of the functions he/she performs. The qualitative approach was used to solve the objective, and the philosophical-interpretative, documentary review, and hermeneutic-legal methods were used. A bibliographic review of 19 scientific articles from Scopus, Web of Science and Google academic databases of empirical studies related to prosecutorial ethics was carried out. The results revealed that honesty, respect, responsibility, integrity, commitment and justice, influence the actions and professional ethics assumed by the Prosecutor.


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How to Cite

Nuñez-Gumila, N., & Henriques, A. (2024). Doctrinal foundations underpinning professional ethics in the prosecutor’s actions. Revista Transdiciplinaria De Estudios Sociales Y Tecnológicos, 4(2), 59–66.