Revista Transdiciplinaria de Estudios Sociales y Tecnológicos
La Revista Transdisciplinaria de Estudios Sociales y Tecnológicos publica artículos inéditos, que abordan el desarrollo de la ciencia de manera interdisciplinaria con una frecuencia cuatrimestral; en los meses de abril, agosto y diciembre.Editorial EXCEDes-ESRevista Transdiciplinaria de Estudios Sociales y Tecnológicos2953-6626<p>The authors retain the copyright, granting the Journal the right to first publication of the work. The authors assign the journal the rights to exploit the work, authorizing its distribution and public communication for non-commercial purposes. The authors retain the moral rights to the published work. The economic rights belong to the Journal.</p>Editorial
<p>La sociedad latinoamericana actual enfrenta desafíos multifacéticos que demandan un análisis crítico desde perspectivas interdisciplinares. La cultura indígena, como eje central de identidad y resistencia, representa una puerta para comprender los procesos históricos que han configurado nuestras naciones. En este marco, la construcción de políticas inclusivas, basadas en el respeto a los derechos colectivos y en el reconocimiento de los saberes ancestrales, es una tarea urgente. La integración de estas culturas no solo fortalece nuestras raíces, sino que también nos permite articular respuestas más humanas y sostenibles ante los retos globales.</p> <p>Por otro lado, el ámbito educativo y científico emerge como un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de habilidades críticas. La visualización como método didáctico para la resolución de problemas matemáticos y el análisis metacognitivo en la formación docente son herramientas clave para potenciar el pensamiento complejo. Estas metodologías trascienden la enseñanza tradicional, promoviendo un aprendizaje significativo que prepare a los ciudadanos para abordar problemas reales con rigor y creatividad. Este enfoque resulta crucial en un contexto donde la desigualdad social y la necesidad de garantizar la seguridad jurídica demandan profesionales íntegros y reflexivos.</p> <p>Finalmente, la bioética y la constitucionalización de los derechos humanos son campos que destacan la importancia de la dignidad y la justicia en los sistemas de salud y legales. Desde el consentimiento informado en trasplantes de órganos hasta el papel del juez como garante del debido proceso, estas reflexiones invitan a repensar nuestras estructuras sociales y a garantizar el respeto por la vida humana en su máxima expresión. La intersección de estos temas no solo revela la complejidad de los problemas contemporáneos, sino también la necesidad de un compromiso ético y académico en su abordaje. En este cruce de caminos, la ciencia, el derecho y la educación se convierten en aliados imprescindibles para construir una sociedad más equitativa y consciente.</p>PhD. Alejandro Torres-Gómez de Cádiz-Hernández
Copyright (c) 2025 PhD. Alejandro Torres-Gómez de Cádiz-Hernández
2025-01-012025-01-015144The agroecological perspective, SIAL alternative in food production in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality
<p>The agroecological perspective, an alternative in food production in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality, is the topic of the article, with the objective of analyzing the agroecological perspective that is manifested in Cuba, based on the legal framework, theoretical conceptions and results in practice, by revealing the application of science, technique and scientific innovation, as an alternative in the production of food in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality, with the support of the Municipal University Center. Descriptive, explanatory, non-experimental study, which used theoretical and empirical methods that allowed us to reveal regularities in the agroecological perspective of food production. Results: the identification of challenges and agroecological perspectives in farm experiences, technologies, methodologies, innovative experiences. Conclusions: the Agroecological model in Cuba has a legal - theoretical - practical framework that allows projecting food sovereignty, the use of local resources, the protection of natural resources, and the use of knowledge, however, they are not sufficient in the face of the demand for food, a phenomenon that calls for promoting a strategy based on the precepts of the Local Food Innovation System (SIAL).</p>María Rosa Núñez-GonzálezFernando Iglesias-RoyeroRegino Rogelio García-MederosRegla Sosa-AbreuYasdeimy Díaz-Recarey
Copyright (c) 2025 María Rosa Núñez-González, Fernando Iglesias-Royero, Regino Rogelio García-Mederos, Regla Sosa-Abreu, Yasdeimy Díaz-Recarey
2025-01-012025-01-0151511Indigenous Culture. An approach to the current Latin American reality
<p>This article analyzes some essential points to learn more about indigenous culture, seen from the legal, educational, economic and social scenario. In this meeting of knowledge, common points and mistakes of those researchers who over the years have contributed to the topic in question are identified and highlight that indigenous communities represent a part of society with significant cultural diversity. Therefore, the objective is the execution of a comprehensive analysis of indigenous culture, with a descriptive nuance aimed at the exposition and exemplification of the main concepts and theoretical bases referring to life in indigenous communities and their culture. A perspective is used from the qualitative, integral dimension, whose objective lies in the recreation and construction of its social panorama. As a result, a systematization of the fundamental contents is obtained that allows us to characterize, based on the fundamental pillars, the Indigenous culture, its need for social inclusion and how social differences bring disadvantages and injustices for them.</p>Gemma Fernández-PichardoAlmendra Ríos-MoraJorge Robledo-Rivas
Copyright (c) 2025 Gemma Fernández-Pichardo, Almendra Ríos-Mora, Jorge Robledo-Rivas
2025-01-012025-01-01511219Characterization of cognitive performance in patients diagnosed with idiopathic focal epilepsy
<p>This research focuses on epilepsy; this disease is closely associated with significant psychological and social consequences for daily life. The objective is to characterize the cognitive performance of patients with idiopathic focal epilepsy. Methodology, an analytical observational study was developed in the Neurology and Neuropsychology Service of the Clinical Surgical Hospital: “LucíaÍñiguezLandín” in Holguín, from October 2022 to December 2023. The universe consisted of patients over 19 years of age with a diagnosis of epilepsy who They went to the aforementioned service. The sample was selected by intentional sampling that included patients with a diagnosis of idiopathic focal epilepsy and excludedpatients with cognitive impairment attributable to other degenerative or acquired neurological conditions and consisted of 65 patients. The 60.00% of the patients were between 25 and 40 years of age and were male. 76.00% were below the average when evaluating attention, in visuo-spatial memory 60.00% were below the average, patients with deficits in regulation and control, as well as planning, predominated. And organization by 64.00% for both cases. Conclusions: Attention, visuo-spatial memory, regulation and control; and planning and organization turned out to be the aspects most affected in the cognitive performance of patients with idiopathic focal epilepsy.</p>Maikel López-AballeRodney Mauricio Jiménez-MoralesKirenia Rojas-Vázquez
Copyright (c) 2025 Maikel López-Aballe, Rodney Mauricio Jiménez-Morales, Kirenia Rojas-Vázquez
2025-01-012025-01-01512027Didactic foundations of visualization as a method for posing and solving mathematical problems
<p>The present research aims to determine the theoretical foundations and principles that support using visualization as a teaching method in the teaching-learning process of posing and solving mathematical problems. In this context, an exhaustive review of the existing literature on mathematics didactics was carried out, with special emphasis on the contributions of researchers who address the process of posing and solving problems, as well as on the teaching methods applied in this field and the use of visualization in mathematics. As a result, visualization is established as a fundamental teaching method in posing and solving problems, supported by principles that encourage interaction, dynamism, and the construction of mathematical knowledge.</p>Nolbert González-HernándezOsvaldo Jesús Rojas-VelázquezMiguel Cruz-Ramírez
Copyright (c) 2025 Nolbert González-Hernández, Osvaldo Jesús Rojas-Velázquez, Miguel Cruz-Ramírez
2025-01-012025-01-01512835Impact of law on social inequality
<p>The present work focuses on an exhaustive analysis of the impact of law on social inequality, an issue of crucial relevance today. Throughout the research, various fundamental areas are examined, such as labor, educational, gender and economic legislation. Each of these areas is evaluated in terms of how established policies and laws can both perpetuate and mitigate existing inequalities in society. To carry out this analysis, documentary and comparative research methods have been used, which has made it possible to collect data from a wide range of academic and official sources. This methodology has been key to offering a comprehensive and in-depth view of the subject, allowing the identification of patterns and trends in the relationship between Law and social inequality. The results obtained from this research strongly highlight the importance of having an inclusive legal framework that is not only well designed, but also correctly implemented. A legal framework that promotes equity and social justice can be a powerful instrument to reduce social disparities and promote a fairer environment for all citizens.</p>Bryan David Díaz-Alava
Copyright (c) 2025 Bryan David Díaz-Alava
2025-01-012025-01-01513643Systematization of bioethics as a tool in informed consent for kidney transplantation
<p>Informed consent for vital organ donation has become a challenge in recent decades, a relatively new issue that requires greater understanding. The study employed a so-called multidisciplinary approach, which, from the perspective of contemporary epistemological projections, can be defined as the dialectical integration of paradigms based on the operative triangulation of methods, sources, and theories, without losing the objectivity of the research. A proposal for informed consent was made with a differentiated approach for living donors, deceased donors, and recipients for kidney transplantation. Additionally, a protocol is proposed to be implemented by the multidisciplinary teams of Organ Donation and Transplantation at the "Lucia Iñiguez Landín" Clinical Surgical Hospital, aimed at improving the doctor-patient relationship. This proposal will promote a positive attitude towards vital organ donation to address the shortage of organs for kidney transplantation.</p>Yaquelin Osorio-ArbellaHilario Ondó-Edgjan
Copyright (c) 2025 Yaquelin Osorio-Arbella, Hilario Ondó-Edgjan
2025-01-012025-01-01514456The constitutionalization of due process. Role of the judge as guarantor of legal security
<p>The article addresses how due process has been constitutionalized in Cuban positive law and how the legislation is in line with the main international legal instruments and how the reform introduced in Cuban positive law incorporates a set of material and legal guarantees that promote due process as a guarantee of legal certainty in the field of criminal law and the role played by the judge as guarantor of that legal certainty. The objective was to analyze the constitutionalization of due process and the role of the judge as a guarantor of legal certainty. In order to achieve the proposed objective, a theoretical-descriptive analysis is carried out, eminently qualitative, in which the different legislative approaches related to the role of the judge as a guarantor of legal certainty are shown.</p>Elizabeth Rodríguez-Morales
Copyright (c) 2025 Elizabeth Rodríguez-Morales
2025-01-012025-01-01515767Analysis of metacognitive skills in the formulation and resolution of mathematical problems in teacher training
<p>The research examines the relationship between metacognitive skills and the process of posing and solving mathematical problems, highlighting that many students face difficulties in these areas due to insufficient development of these skills. Metacognition is crucial to understanding, planning, and evaluating solutions to mathematical problems. In this regard, several studies indicate that students with more developed metacognitive skills show better performance in problem-solving. To address this problem, a diagnostic instrument based on George Pólya's four-stage model is proposed, which allows the assessment of metacognitive skills at each stage of the process. To develop the instrument, a literature review was necessary to establish parameters and write the specific indicators to assess these skills. The diagnostic instrument requires students to solve a mathematical problem and reflect on their process, allowing teachers to identify areas of strength and weakness. The results suggest that this instrument not only facilitates the assessment of metacognitive skills but can also promote more reflective and active learning, motivating students to adopt a growth mindset.</p>Hilário Madureira Sacalei-FreitasDaymí Miranda-Rojas
Copyright (c) 2025 Hilário Madureira Sacalei-Freitas, Daymí Miranda-Rojas
2025-01-012025-01-01516876Número completo (enero-abril)
<p>Editorial</p> <p>PhD. Alejandro Torres-Gómez de Cádiz-Hernández</p> <p> </p> <p>The agroecological perspective, SIAL alternative in food production in the Urban Farm, Abreus municipality</p> <p>María Rosa Núñez-González, Fernando Iglesias-Royero, Regino Rogelio García-Mederos, Regla Sosa-Abreu, Yasdeimy Díaz-Recarey</p> <p> </p> <p>Cultura Indígena. Una aproximación a la realidad latinoamericana actual</p> <p>Gemma Fernández-Pichardo, Almendra Ríos-Mora, Jorge Robledo-Rivas</p> <p> </p> <p>Characterization of cognitive performance in patients diagnosed with idiopathic focal epilepsy</p> <p>Maikel López-Aballe, Rodney Mauricio Jiménez-Morales, Kirenia Rojas-Vázquez</p> <p> </p> <p>Didactic foundations of visualization as a method for posing and solving mathematical problems</p> <p>Nolbert González-Hernández, Osvaldo Jesús Rojas-Velázquez, Miguel Cruz-Ramírez</p> <p> </p> <p>Impacto del derecho en la desigualdad social</p> <p>Bryan David Díaz-Alava</p> <p> </p> <p>Sistematización sobre la bioética como herramienta en el consentimiento informado del trasplante de riñón</p> <p>Yaquelin Osorio-Arbella, Hilario Ondó-Edgjan</p> <p> </p> <p>La constitucionalización del debido proceso. Papel del juez como garante de seguridad jurídica</p> <p>Elizabeth Rodríguez-Morales</p> <p> </p> <p>Análisis de habilidades metacognitivas del planteo y la resolución de problemas matemáticos en la formación de profesores</p> <p>Hilário Madureira Sacalei-Freitas, Daymí Miranda-Rojas</p>PhD. Jorge Luis León-González
Copyright (c) 2025 PhD. Jorge Luis León-González